Sunday, March 4, 2012

Cleaning House

Today I actually had some time to organize the house.  Something that I've been meaning to do since we've moved in.... almost a year ago.  Yeah, yeah, yeah... I know, kinda procrastinating... but what do you expect when you work full time and then just want to sleep on the weekends?  I love sleep.  It's probably right up there with eating.  
When we first moved in I sorta/kinda organized it and then throughout the year when company came over you kinda get in a habit of shoving things in places to hide stuff so it looks well kept. The only thing I did keep organized was my closet.  Now, as every girl (that I know of...) loves, is a nice huge closet with her clothes all hung prettily and displayed like works of art... But then over time Ricky, the boyfriend, would throw his things around, and cram stuff in there and not hang it back properly (drives me NUUUTTTTSSSS!!!!!) and then after a while, I did too.. But then today, *smiles* I finally got to clean the closet.  You have no idea how happy I am.  Hahahaa!!!  So let me show you.  I wish there was a before and after, but after doing 4 loads of laundry and staring at the closet, I just decided to throw everything out of the closet and start from scratch again.  It's not 100% done, I still need some boxes to put some knick knacks in that are seasonal, but I'd say its about 75% done.  

I used to work in retail, and they were always a stickler to having things sorted out by color, sleeve length, and pattern.  I guess it's stuck in me to do it that way now... If I actually had more time to organize, I probably would have finger-spaced the hangers.  I've got a problem.  I know. 

The Boyfriend's side.  I'll probably post something in a month with a new picture of what it looks like then.  So right now... this is "before" because I know it won't look this pretty anymore in about a month. As you can tell, he's a "T-shirt and jeans" kinda guy.

Shoes... and random stuff.  I really need to organize Ricky's belts, right now they're just hanging on a hanger along with his ties.  I wanted to go to Target and get that spiffy belt / tie hook holder thingy.  But I really just wanted to clean the room and dust so I can get rid of my daily allergies. 

More shoes.... Ok, I have an addiction for black shoes.  It just goes with more things that I have... and not many shoes fit me.  I wear a size 4 - 4.5.  Yeah, I know tiny feet.  So if I'm out shoe shopping and try on a pair that actually fit, I'll buy it in an instant because that comes once in a blue moon. 

** PS if you click on any of these pictures, be warned, they will come out HUMONGO.  I didn't scale it down.  

Now, I just need the storage boxes to put some scarves and hats in now that winter has definitely left.... and maybe add a fashion inspiration collage somewhere.  A clean closet makes me so happy.  Seriously, I swear I'm in a better mood when the closet is nice and clean and fresh looking, you know your day will just be a much better day! 

Happy day everyone! 

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