Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wondercon 2012

Wondercon is fastly approaching... for others it may not be fast enough, but for me who's working at the show, it's just not slowing down at all! So much still to do for it and I've got 1 day!

If you're into comics, and other stuff similar to it, you should totally go! 

Tickets are less expensive than Comic-con (which I'll be working on that soon enough!) and it'll be just as fun!  Come by the WeLoveFine / Mighty Fine booth to say hi to me and my friends!  We'll have all the goods of My Little Pony, Marvel, Star Wars, Adventure Time, Invader Zim, Disney, Hello Kitty and so much more.  
We're selling our tees, bags, posters, hoodies, etc... and, with EVERY SINGLE PURCHASE, you get a smile =)  Oh, and one of the humongo bags we have too!  It's huge.  I can fit inside of it.  Don't believe me?  Go to the show and you'll see!  There's a picture of me in it.  No joke.  

Okay people, that's all and I will SEE YOU THERE! If not, I'll have a sad face.  =(

** UPDATE! **
Found out where our booth is!  See below! click it to enlarge... 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Gag me with a Toon?

So I work with a bunch of awesomely talented artists.  I mean amazing.  Seriously.  Don't believe me?  Check out and look at the amazing art we have and tell me we don't have amazing artists... =)

Anyhow, so a lot of them are showing their works at an art show called "Gag Me With a Toon", I've been naming GMWAT because it's too long to type when emailing stuff about it. The flyer is below:

Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend... I've actually got to work at Wondercon in Anaheim that weekend... so if you're in the OC area, you should totally go to Wondercon and stop by the Mighty Fine booth, and if you're in the LA area, you should definitely check out the GMWAT show.  Tell em' I sent you, when you go see my friend Tomi Monstre (Babycorn and Eggbutt are her cute new tees we've added to the site!)  I believe Hezaa is also displaying her works too.. For all you MLP-lovers out there, she's our main designer for web who has skillfully designed all the fancy Nouveau'd ponies.  Yeah, she's pretty awesome and amazing. 
Ok... I think the melatonin is kicking in, time for bed.  I hate this time change.  I love sleep. 


Sunday, March 11, 2012


When I was younger, my dad would make it a ritual that on Sundays, after church, we'd go to a thrift store to "look around".  I hated it.  It smelled funny and there was never anything I liked.  My dad, on the other hand LOVED it.  He loved seeing what other people thought was trash and could make it his little treasure.  I usually just went to the books and fiddle through them while I waited for my dad to find whatever he needed to find.  
Now that I've grown up and seen what people do throw out to donate, I'm amazed by what they don't find beautiful anymore! Now I understand why my dad loved going to thrift stores! 

Whenever I walk in, I usually go straight to the dishware area.  I always look to see if they have funky vases or glass decanters.  Then go to the furniture.  Now, people might re-think themselves wanting to buy furniture from a thrift store, but if you see one with really good lines, and still in really good condition, you could always buy that, and have it re-upholstered.  I think people have the same idea that I have though, because the ones I do like, almost always have a "SOLD" sign on it.  Darn it.  

The picture here is of what I found at the local thrift store.  Just the white vase and that white dish thing I got for $5 for both!  I should take a better picture.  The terrarium next to it was something I made for $20.  =) I LOVE making terrariums.  They are actually a lot of fun and super cute to have in the house. 

After mosy-ing around there, I'll head to the clothing.  Here, you must have a patient mind to go through clothing.  And I usually go through it twice. You never know! You might have missed something.  I came in trying to find something, and my eyes would just glance over everything, then I had to stop, be more patient and I ended up buying: 1 leather biker jacket, a black asymmetrical blazer, a black pencil skirt, 1 cream pleated midi skirt, 1 navy pleated midi skirt, a gold lurex top, and a slouchy grey hand knit sweater... all for $43.  WAHOOS! 

I had to grab a basket, it was too much to hold... so then I went BACK to the furniture area, and I can't believe my eyes passed this table, but it was too beautiful to not buy.  It was a long rectangle coffee table, with a mid century modern look.  I thought something might be wrong with it, so I took a closer look and nope, it was in really good shape, solid wood, and only $45.  I carried it (sorta dragged... it was really heavy!) to the front and since I already had spent $43 on the clothes, the girl gave it to me for $30 bucks instead.  AND they helped me carry it to my car.  So now, it's sitting in my garage waiting for the primer to dry.  Here's a picture of it, but I'll do a little blog later with what I did to it =) 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

March 3-7-12 Mighty Fine!

So we have 8 new items on our site!  We got em' all: My Little Pony, Adventure Time, and Star Wars. 

Loved the latest episode of My Little Pony?  Then I think you'll love the new tee we posted up for sale. Only Assertive ponies can click here.

And for the Taco eating, Gir lovin', Portal playing fanatics, we've got a shirt for you here as well.  You're welcome. 

None of those suits your fancy?  More of a simple Cloaks and Daggers kinda guy?  Ohhh.. I think we've got something for you here as well =)

Happy Shopping Mighty Finers! 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Squeaky Clean Face!

So, I ran out of a face scrub last night.... and I love exfoliating my skin.  Another thing I love: Googling.  I am a serious addict.  I just love googling random bits of things up and storing it in my pretty little head.  Anyhow, I also love Costco.  So what does that equal?  Googling what I can do with the huge bag of baking soda I bought at Costco (it seemed like a good idea at the time!) and what I could do with it.  Turns out, if you mix in a bit of baking soda, with your facewash, you got yourself a handy dandy face scrub! WOOHOO!  So I squirted some Cetaphil (another Costco buy, which is awesome because I love how gentle Cetaphil is) in my hands, sprinkled some Baking Soda, turned it into a paste and scrubbed my face away.  After I rinsed it clean, my face felt so unbelievably clean!  

You should totally try it.  Seriously.  Do it noooowwww....

Now, as a night cream, I have a routine.  I was blessed with dark under eye circles, so every morning and night, I put a vitamin K cream under these beauties to combat it.  I thought it was just an Old Ye Wives Tale, but uhh.. no, it actually works.  I thought I lost my jar for a couple weeks, and my eyes looked more like death with each passing day.  So seriously, if you have dark circles, dab a little on every morning and every night and you'll see a difference.  Anyhow, after that, I slather my face with oil.  Yes... OIL.  Apricot Kernel Seed Oil to be in fact.  Oh how I love this oil.  I only put it on at night, because its super oily, but a good type of oil, it won't clog pores and will actually make your face so supple and soft like a baby's bottom (or you can spritz a little on your salad with some lemon juice to get a nice healthy vinigairette).  I slather that stuff allover my face until I look like you could slip and slide all across my face.  Now, the last step: Alba Organics Un-Petroleum jelly under my eyes.  This stuff is amazing.  It's like petroleum jelly, but won't clog your pores and it has Vitamin E, Coconut Oil (which is naturally an anti-bacterial), and other goodies to make your face soft and young looking.  I do this almost every night, if I'm not passing out on the couch... And I seriously get people asking me if I'm 19 still. **Smiles** Bless their heart, I'm almost 30 *waah!*  Go to bed after all this, and when you wake up, your face is moisturized and soft and supple, all you'll need to do is splash some water on your face and add your morning moisturizer (with SPF! Always use a morning cream with SPF! Seriously people, more and more people are diagnosed with Skin Cancer each year.)

But yeah... just thought I'd share that since I was so proud of my baking soda discovery.  Seriously, who knew?  People spend so much money on scrubs, when you can get a box at Target for $1.00 and it'll last you for years.  I also found this site on other uses for this miracle powder. Click here to see! 

Happy Hugs and Lots of Love!  


Monday, March 5, 2012

March 3-5-12 WeLoveFine additions!

A couple new tees we will be adding to the WeLoveFine shop! =)  Check em' out below!! I'll post links to each one once they're available.  

Luna Nouveau - Now on a Poster!!!! - @Dark Artsty, this is for you! 
** updated 3/6/12: we added on a womens fit tee: Click here to check it out!

Another Karen Hallion design: Only Forever.  Now on a Poster and Mens

Are you a Good Phoenix or Bad?  We've got both for you to choose from!  Cyber Phoenix =)

I LOVE me some Tacos.  So thank you Bothans.  Buy it here

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Cleaning House

Today I actually had some time to organize the house.  Something that I've been meaning to do since we've moved in.... almost a year ago.  Yeah, yeah, yeah... I know, kinda procrastinating... but what do you expect when you work full time and then just want to sleep on the weekends?  I love sleep.  It's probably right up there with eating.  
When we first moved in I sorta/kinda organized it and then throughout the year when company came over you kinda get in a habit of shoving things in places to hide stuff so it looks well kept. The only thing I did keep organized was my closet.  Now, as every girl (that I know of...) loves, is a nice huge closet with her clothes all hung prettily and displayed like works of art... But then over time Ricky, the boyfriend, would throw his things around, and cram stuff in there and not hang it back properly (drives me NUUUTTTTSSSS!!!!!) and then after a while, I did too.. But then today, *smiles* I finally got to clean the closet.  You have no idea how happy I am.  Hahahaa!!!  So let me show you.  I wish there was a before and after, but after doing 4 loads of laundry and staring at the closet, I just decided to throw everything out of the closet and start from scratch again.  It's not 100% done, I still need some boxes to put some knick knacks in that are seasonal, but I'd say its about 75% done.  

I used to work in retail, and they were always a stickler to having things sorted out by color, sleeve length, and pattern.  I guess it's stuck in me to do it that way now... If I actually had more time to organize, I probably would have finger-spaced the hangers.  I've got a problem.  I know. 

The Boyfriend's side.  I'll probably post something in a month with a new picture of what it looks like then.  So right now... this is "before" because I know it won't look this pretty anymore in about a month. As you can tell, he's a "T-shirt and jeans" kinda guy.

Shoes... and random stuff.  I really need to organize Ricky's belts, right now they're just hanging on a hanger along with his ties.  I wanted to go to Target and get that spiffy belt / tie hook holder thingy.  But I really just wanted to clean the room and dust so I can get rid of my daily allergies. 

More shoes.... Ok, I have an addiction for black shoes.  It just goes with more things that I have... and not many shoes fit me.  I wear a size 4 - 4.5.  Yeah, I know tiny feet.  So if I'm out shoe shopping and try on a pair that actually fit, I'll buy it in an instant because that comes once in a blue moon. 

** PS if you click on any of these pictures, be warned, they will come out HUMONGO.  I didn't scale it down.  

Now, I just need the storage boxes to put some scarves and hats in now that winter has definitely left.... and maybe add a fashion inspiration collage somewhere.  A clean closet makes me so happy.  Seriously, I swear I'm in a better mood when the closet is nice and clean and fresh looking, you know your day will just be a much better day! 

Happy day everyone! 

Friday, March 2, 2012

Jareth Nouveau

So we have a new tee up on our website. Buy it here.  It's a beautiful Mucha-inspired tee featuring a King Jareth... and who doesn't love The Goblin King?!???   Great job Karen Hallion! You are a wonderfully talented artist =) 

First Post

I had a tumblr, then deleted it to have a blogspot instead... and then realized I should have transferred my posts on here before I deleted it.  Oh well, live and learn, right? Anyhow, I guess I'll be treating this blog as my online diary, random stuff that happens to me, or things I'm super excited about from work or life.  So enjoy!