Today I posted this as my FaceBook status:
I would like to issue a challenge. A challenge to EVERYONE on the west coast who participated in the #iceBucketChallenge: don't wash your car for 6 months. When it's dusty, tag it with #SaveOurWater. Don't live on the west coast and want to participate? Don't buy bottled water from companies who use our dwindling resources to ship out of our drought stricken states. #SaveCalifornia #conserveourwater we have about 1.5 years left of water and then I have no clue where we'll be getting water from. Can't live without a clean car? Cut down to watering your lawn to 3x a week instead of every day. There are so many ways to conserve! Let's help our coast out! West coast is best coast! I know you can do it!
California is facing a severe drought and I'd like to do my part into conserving as much as I can and help raise awareness so that others can conserve as well. The little things do count! Any way you can help with this drought, comment below! Let's work together and SAVE CALIFORNIA!
I've lived in California for 27 years and this is my home. I love my home, so I will do what I can to #SaveCA Let's be a #DroughtHero together!